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descriptive data中文是什么意思

用"descriptive data"造句"descriptive data"怎么读"descriptive data" in a sentence


  • 图注资料


  • It generally was divided into descriptive data mining and predictive data mining
  • You can change schedules , processing options except population type , or descriptive data about the step
  • These tests or utilities allow input from arbitrary data sources of the right type and or output in descriptive data formats
  • According to user ' s request of flexible query , finding rule through data , data visualizing , jjms applied descriptive data mining including olap , concept description and so on . it realized the function of basic analysis , classification analysis , related analysis , characteristic value analysis . the result show at the way of pivot table , pivot chart . it satisfied the user preferably
    “交通部纪检监察统计分析系统”根据用户提出的灵活统计、从数据中发现规律、直观展现数据的需求,应用olap 、概念描述等描述数据挖掘技术,实现了基本情况分析、分类分析、动态分析、关联分析、特征值分析等一系列功能,以透视表、透视图为主要的数据展现方式,较好的满足了用户的需求,得到了用户的肯定。
用"descriptive data"造句  
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